Marathon 2.0 - What I'm taking from the Bournemouth marathon to London
2017 - Bournemouth I ran the Bournemouth marathon in 2017. It was my first and it was great - I loved the training, I loved the people I ran and trained with (especially), and on the day I loved the course and the experience. I didn't love the hill you get to at mile 17/18, I didn't love getting cramp at mile 20 and then repeated twinges in the last 3 miles, and with the benefit of hindsight I didn't love the fact that I had breakfast too early and then not enough full/carbs/salts etc. prior to the start. But although I didn't get the time I wanted (sub 4 hours), I finished in 4:17 so I was a marathon runner -and people said well done and were proud of me and it felt good. So what lessons have I learned from my first marathon and how can this hindsight help me with my next one? 2018 - London Now in 2018 I've got a charity place for London - one of the "marathon majors" and to be honest pretty much the pinnacle of the running calendar as far as I...