Porridge Recipes: Its more than just oats
So I wanted to write about porridge. Porridge It seems an odd thing to write about in a mostly-running-themed blog, but actually half the runners I talk to (and most of my friends are runners) swear by porridge for breakfast before a race... the rest seem to swear by overnight oats - which I haven't tried, but is basically cold porridge with "yoggit" in it. I don't want to labour the point on porridge, but as I wrote this I just kept coming up with new ideas! Porridge is dull Porridge is not dull. It is really quite nice. There are some quite fancy porridge recipes below, but let’s start with the basics. I'm going call this " Basic porridge ", because " Plain porridge " is something quite ironically different (I have decided). Basic Porridge Making porridge is the "rule of thirds"; the basic recipe is: 1/3 cup/glass porridge oats 1/3 cup/glass milk 1/3 cup/glass water You simply mix that all together and then...